Teaching Institute
for Manual Lymph Drainage,
Complete Physical Therapy
Lymphoedema is an independent, chronic disease of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue and the inner organs. A diseased lymph vessel system is unable to fulfill the task of volumetric regulation and homeostasis. Protein-rich fluid accumulates in the tissue and leads to changes in the basic substance, the cell population and to increased formation of fibres. Untreated lymphoedema will always progress. Lymphoedema may occur in all regions of the body, but it is the limbs that are most commonly affected.
The Földi College has already trained around 45,000 therapists in Manual Lymphatic Drainage / Complete Decongestive Therapy since its establishment in the 1980s and is one of the world's leading and most reputable providers of training in this specialist field. Our courses are exceptionally practice-oriented and the students of our intensive training become specialists in all aspects of Complete Decongestive Therapy. Secure these skills for your place of work and for your future specialization!
Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is embedded in a fully holistic concept and is recognized as today's basis for conservative lymphoedema treatment today. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a significant part of CDT, but it is primarily the practical combination of the further measures that makes CDT an effective, direct and comprehensive treatment of Lymphoedema. Based on the life-long research of Prof. Michael Földi and Prof. Etelka Földi - the pioneers of modern lymphology - the Földi MLD/CDT course is the foundation for the optimum treatment of all present and future diseases of the lymphatic system.
Teaching Institute of the Földi Clinic for Lymphology
Zentrum Oberwiehre (ZO)
Schwarzwaldstr. 78B
79117 Freiburg
T +49 761 406921
F +49 761 406983
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