Teaching Institute
for Manual Lymph Drainage,
Complete Physical Therapy









Location: Földi College Freiburg / Földi Clinic Hinterzarten

Course dates:

09.06. - 13.06.2025 / 16.06. - 20.06.2025 / 23.06. - 27.06.2025 / 30.06. - 04.07.2025


General Terms and Conditions

Földischule GmbH
Lehrinstitut der Földi- Klinik für Lymphologie
Schwarzwaldstr. 78b
79117 Freiburg
T +49 761.40 69 21
F +49 761.40 69 83

Medical Directors:
Prof. Dr. med. E. Földi
Dr. med. M. Oberlin
Dr. med. K. Jung

The Földi College provides MLD/CDT Certification Courses as well as MLD/CDT Review Courses and Clinic workshops.   The aim is to provide comprehensive, scientifically based theoretical and practical training in the field of Manual lymphatic Drainage / Complete Decongestive therapy (MLD/CDT), culminating in a recognised qualification.

Teaching is provided by specialist doctors and professional instructors for MLD/CDT.

Conditions for admission

The following professions are eligible for admission to the courses:  Physiotherapists, approved massage therapists, registered nurses, physicians and osteopaths. Important: Professional qualifications must be fully completed before commencing  courses at the Földi College. When registering online, please send a copy of your professional qualification (mail or fax) to the Földi College.

The Földi College reserves the right to decide on admission to the training courses. Admission can not take place when the conditions for admission are not fully fulfilled, or when evidence is available that, having been verified, would provide grounds for a refusal of permit.


The course content is Manual Lymphatic Drainage / Complete Decongestive Therapy (MLD/CDT).  Training takes place over 20 days in total, comprising 170 teaching units (theoretical and practical training), and 10 teaching units of examinations (oral, written and practical).

Medical training encompasses anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the lymph vascular system. Extensive knowledge of pathology will also be taught, as it is the essential foundation for the practical application of therapy. MLD  techniques, their medical indications and methodological application are taught in practical training sessions. Instruction in bandaging techniques is also provided for primary and secondary lymphoedema of the limbs, lipoedema, traumatic oedemas and venous oedema. The knowledge and skills needed for decongestive remedial therapy are also provided.

Examination regulations

The training course is completed with an examination which takes place after completion of training in the last week of the course. During the examination the skills learned during the training course must be verified in a theoretical (oral and written) and a practical exam. The precondition for admission to the examination is the participation in the entire 20-day training program.The examination is passed when all parts of the exam have been graded at least “sufficient”.

The examination is conducted by an examining committee. A log of the examination will be recorded.

Disorderly conduct

At the beginning of the examination students will be informed of the consequences of disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct by a student during the examination, particularly in the form of deception or attempted deception will lead to their immediate exclusion; the examination shall be considered to be failed. Disorderly conduct and subsequent decisions on further action will be recorded in the examination log, and signed by the members of the examination committee.

Certificate of completion

Succesfull candidates completing the MLD/CDT course will receive a certificate of completion as proof of qualified training in MLD/CDT.

Course fees

The course fee for the MLD / CDT course is 3.250 €.

Payment has to be effected to:

Recipient: Földischule GmbH, D-79117 Freiburg
Bank: Sparkasse Freiburg, Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 180, D - 79098 Freiburg, Germany
IBAN: DE83 6805 0101 0012 1354 82, SWIFT-BIC: FRSPDE66XXX

Terms of payment
A deposit of 250 € is to be paid with your registration. This will be deducted from the total training course fee. A confirmation of registration will only be sent by the Földi College when the deposit has been credited to our account. The remaining sum is to be transferred into the Földi College account 3 weeks before the commencement date of the course  at the latest. Deposits are non-refundable.

Right of Notice

Short-term notice of cancellation within 2 weeks of commencement of the course is only possible for important reasons (accidents, sudden-onset disease etc.)

Should notice of cancellation be received later than 2 weeks before the course commences, 50% of the course fee will be due as compensation to the Földi College. By failure to attend or premature termination the full course fee is to be paid.

Cancellation of courses

The Földi College reserves the right to cancel a course due to insufficient participant numbers or the illness of a teacher. Participants will be informed as soon as possible, at the very latest 2 weeks before the commencement date.

Further information

Please bring the following along with you:

  • 2 large towels or sheets
  • Professional clothing for clinic days
  • Comfortable clothing (e.g. tracksuit)
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Bandage scissors
  • Writing and drawing materials

Photography, video and audio recordings are forbidden. Exceptions are only granted with the approval of Földi College Management.

Teaching hours:

Monday - Thursday 08.00 a.m.  - 04.30 p.m. week 1 + 3
Friday 08.00 a.m. - 01.00 p.m. week 2 + 4